I made it through my two days of orientation and meet and greets without any major trauma. I was expecting something much more painfully dull and bureaucratic. After school, I headed out in my new jeans ($210 retail designer jeans, 'but they were only' $17. Yay me.) on my antique bike with my leather jacket and cycling helmet... not quite the normal biker chick look, I know. Running late I passed by a gigantic park with wonderfully useful trees and made note for when my gear gets in. I met up with my friend at a bar called Howl at the Moon, a cross between a dance club and a piano bar.
The view from my bridge |
To start it was just him, his cousin, and me so I ordered myself a beer and a round of Crown shots for his birthday (I miss Bozeman prices) and laughed at the look on his cousin's face when he took the shot. I get a kick out of playing up the Montana girl bit. I suppose that was really the first time I've gone out in a big city. For a while it was entertaining; people watching, conversation, decent music and I even danced once. I was nostalgic, reminded a bit of my bartending days. Then it was just OK, starting to get loud and frustrating. I headed to the bathroom a couple times just to get away from it all though this was somewhat futile as the bathroom had an attendant to hand out paper towels and mints.
I'm intrigued at how fast my mood changed. I just didn't want to be there anymore. I said my goodbyes, found my bike, checked directions on my phone and left. It wasn't until I'd crossed an unfamiliar bridge that I realized I was going exactly the wrong way (of course) and was now in South Boston. Sigh. I got back on track and I was about halfway across the bridge I usually take to campus when I suddenly felt like I could breathe easier and thought 'it's good to be home.' The thought made me blink. Home? I've been here less than two weeks. And more interestingly, Cambridge is apparently home; not Boston.
What strange creatures we humans are.
Two Door Cinema Club - This is the life