Thursday, June 21, 2012

An hour well spent

I met an interesting man today. I was slacklining in South Boston near the water and noticed an older man with one leg walking past me on crutches and watching my antics. He sat nearby and after I took down the line he complimented me on my unique activity and asked about slacklining. Though I was planning on returning to work, I was intrigued.

He told me about how he'd lost his leg to cancer as a boy and how surviving had taught him two things; that he was lucky to be alive, and that he was different. Doctors told him he'd never ride a bike. With the simple addition of a stirrup to the pedal, he was soon faster than his friends. He had never skied before, but decided to try that as well. He has been a 9-5 robot, a magician, a comedian, a business owner, a writer, a producer, and all times an adventurer. We talked about how fear holds people back, how meaningless it is to work for a paycheck rather than a passion. We commiserated on the pandemic known as 'boredom', rejoiced at the magical thing that is the human brain, and agreed that the most beautiful things in life just seem to come together of their own accord.

His simple question turned into a nearly two hour conversation. And to think, I could have spent that time at my computer in an air conditioned office reading papers and drinking coffee.


'The point is to play a beautiful game.' - Patrick Rothfuss