Everyone does it, procrastinating life itself. "Someday I'll _________ (insert goal here)." Then month by month, someday is farther away, bills pile up, or its just not a good time, next year will be better. I always said someday about so many things, marriage, family, travel, life in general... But someday never came. So I resolved to stop waiting.
I spent my summer trying new things, spending as much time as possible outside, and having the first real summer I can remember since I was a kid even while working more than I ever have before. I was introduced to slacklining, and I'm in love with it. I got to try rock climbing, singletrack bike riding, and kiteboarding; went hiking, played beach volleyball, and did lots of handstands; made lots of cookies, ate homemade sourdough bread and huckleberry pancakes, and had a crash course in homeopatic remedies which came in handy with the multiple bike wrecks. In short, I lived.
In the last few weeks I've started selling and giving away anything I own that I don't much care about, given notice at work, bought a pack and a camera. I have plane tickets, but almost no plans. I'm no longer waiting.
For anyone interested:
1 c. butter (gold & soft is best)
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. peanut butter
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
------- mix until creamed, add following
2 c. oats
1 1/2 c. flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
Any mix in. Be creative. We've tried chocolate chips (duh), butterscotch chips, peanut butter chips, white chocolate chips, raisins, etc.
Drop spoonfuls onto dry cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 10-15 mins, should be wonderfuly puffy and soft. (This makes ~20 cookies but of course that depends on you, how big you make them and how much dough you can't help but eat.)
Good to see you! Make sure to post pictures as you go along! I'll try and send some up as soon as I can.
Hi soni, I'm not very internet savvy so I don't know if this is how to say hi. but I'll try it. your trip already is quite an adventure. Keep up the blog and wonderful pics. I check it often. Roberta
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