Saturday, February 20, 2010

Images in my mind

Eagle Mountain, Utah

I've never been much of an artist. I can draw well enough if I'm willing to spend the time, but only if I have something to look at. Yet I've always had these images in my head with no satisfying way to get them out. For a while I played with magazine cut outs, making collages of images I found interesting, juxtapositions that said something to me, even if they seemed nonsensical. But still, this wasn't quite right. I wasn't putting the images in my head into solid form, I was simply arranging the images in my hands in a way that was pleasing and meaningful to me. I've hoped for a while now that photography could be that outlet for me, that method of making real the unobtainable visions that float through my mind.

While trying to fall asleep about a week ago, I started seeing these images more vividly than usual with more emotion and meaning to each composition than I've ever felt before. I was inspired. I had a plan. A week later, I've been thwarted by the weather at every turn (snowstorms make for poor portraits...) and the one attempt I've made at putting these images into digital form was less than satisfying. Fear not, though. I do not give up so easily. Perhaps my methods will have to change, and my technique will have to improve, but I will manifest these images one way or another. In the meantime, I have but to practice and learn. I've got a few techniques I want to experiment with as soon as I'm able.

By the way, my updated website has been loaded. There is a minor problem of aesthetics with the thumbnails in some galleries, but I'm working on that. Overall, however, I'm pleased with the modifications. The portraits section contains a gallery that I will continue to expand as I increase my portfolio. Also, I'm scheduled to display some of my art prints in the Co-op (upstairs cafe/art gallery) in May.

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