Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New years gift

There is a beautiful sight outside my window, though I doubt many of those reading would be quite as enamoured as I am. The green grass, the umbrella-like palm trees, the fruit trees, are all covered by a light scattering of cold, white, snow. Yup, snow. In Syria. Apparently, this happens about once a decade, and today the weather gods gave us this present for the new year. There is something refreshing about celebrating a new year with that perfect clean whiteness; a clean slate so to speak.

And even more entertaining than watching the snow was watching everyone react to it. Many of the people here, if not Syrian are still from the Middle East and Africa, and for many of them snow is not a common sight. All around cameras appeared, posed pictures in front of snowy trees, snowball fights, and shivering. Everyone was so excited for the new snow, and for those of us who are used to white winters, we felt a little more at home.

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